
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Monday, August 8, 2016


CRAZY LEGS - It was a great turnout this evening. Jose Rigoberto Orellana got a well timed light and that was the last we saw of him until the second regroup. Two groups left at the same time, A's went long and B's turned on Glendora Ave. We regrouped at the old Cycle Associates business and together both groups headed home. I cut my ride short and turned on Fulton. 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Encanto to Crystal Lake

Encanto to Crystal Lake (Okay I rode to Coldbrook Canyon). The temperature and tempo was great.

Coldbrook Canyon - Don't Drink the Water Notice

Coldbrook Canyon - Don't Drink the Water Notice. I know a lot of people stop here but the sign next to the water said, "Warning, avoid explosive diarrhea, DON DRINK THE WATER!"*
* Okay it didn't quite say that, but it did say don't drink the water.