Ride a bike, share your experience and love. When I go biking, I repeat a mantra of the day's sensations: bright sun, blue sky, warm breeze, blue jay's call, ice melting and so on. This helps me transcend the traffic, ignore the clamorings of work, leave all the mind theaters behind and focus on nature instead. I still must abide by the rules of the road, of biking, of gravity. But I am mentally far away from civilization. The world is breaking someone else's heart. ~Diane Ackerman

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

In 1890s Chicago, bicycles were all the rage

Brian S posted this a few days ago on FB. 

In 1890s Chicago, bicycles were all the rage
Chicago Tribune
Robert Loerzel
Link: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2014-05-03/news/ct-bicycle-craze-flashback-0427-20140503_1_bicycles-bikes-cyclists

"Chicago's fastest, rudest bicyclists were called "scorchers." They hunched over their handlebars as they raced in the streets.

They were "selfish, reckless, impudent transgressors of the law and trespassers upon the rights of others," the Tribune harrumphed. The newspaper described scorchers as cyclists "who delight to whirl around corners without warning and sweep down upon the unwary on a crossing, with a laugh at the alarm they cause and only a very slight fear of the police."

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